Apply for Investment

We’re always looking for high potential and deserving ventures. If you’re looking for investment, apply here. Let’s work together for greater success.

Investment on profit and loss sharing

When business take interest based loans, not only they have to pay the interest irrespective of the business performance but also return a portion of the capital. This forces businesses to function like Ponzi schemes wherein they take new loans to settle the current loans. With ESAF, you only pay a portion when your business makes money. Since it’s not a loan but an investment, you’re not obliged to return a portion of the capital every month.

Marketing your venture

Not only we get you the investment, we bring you more sales by marketing your business. We market only the ventures we fund. When your business is accepted by ESAF, the odds are in your favour.


Good mentors save years of experience by sharing knowledge that you would have learnt the hard way. They can put you in touch with reliable suppliers, loyal workers or give ideas to take your business to the next level. Businesses accepted by ESAF are eligible for mentoring sessions.